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Conversations = Cashflow

Conversations = Cashflow

Conversations = Cashflow

Conversations = Insights = Opportunities & Cashflow

Harmonic Minute

If you increase the number of conversations you have, it’s inevitable you’ll gain insights.

This opens the door for opportunities, and opportunities lead to cash flow.

Here are some ways this works:
1. Micro conversations (think water cooler and office hallways)
2. Phone calls
3. Coffee catch ups

Personally, I think phone calls are the most effective yet under-used ways of talking to people. Note: I haven’t said Zoom or Teams – this is because people are generally more open over the phone and it can be quicker to catch up.

My friend Stuart is a master of the 10-minute phone call. He calls to check in, asks some questions, listens actively, shares some insights and signs off.

He can do 5-6 calls an hour and in that time get a finger on the pulse of the market. This process helps inform his decisions, creates opportunities that were otherwise invisible to him and generates business outcomes = cashflow.

It’s time to execute. What conversation can you have today to set yourself up for success?


PS. I’m talking about this because we’re working with a number of clients at the moment to help them work through these challenges and get the clarity they need to set their businesses and teams up for growth in 2025.

If you’ve been thinking about this for a while, join the next Ask Me Anything, contact me here or just give me a call and we’ll bounce some ideas around – 0400 033 937.

PPS. My eBook has a bunch of strategies for engaging new markets. Download it here – Strategies for Growth in Uncertain Markets


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