Harmonic Minute
Chasing happiness won’t make you happy, seek to be excited instead
“The opposite of happiness is boredom. Excitement is the more practical synonym for happiness, and it is precisely what you should chase.”
I heard this line in a Tim Ferriss podcast and it really stuck with me.
With January just about done and dusted and New Year resolutions forgotten (or in my case, non existent), it’s easy to think you’re just launching into another year – and let’s face it, 2024 was no picnic for a lot of people.
So rather than fall into the trap of measuring yourself against how happy you are, think about how excited you are or could be.
I’m talking feet on the floor at 4am energy.
Now, I’m not suggesting you get up at 4am every day, but you know how this just happens when you’re excited about something? It’s a great feeling.
So what can you do to feel more excited about the year ahead?
Try these:
- Surround yourself with radiators, not drains – figuratively speaking. This is about being around people who radiate good energy, instead of those who bring you down
- Find better problems worth solving
- Build stronger relationships – more on this to come!
- Flip your mindset 180 degrees – this is a Martha Beck tip from another podcast (link below). It means if you are thinking negative thoughts, stop and think what the polar opposite is, then lean into that
- Learn from and listen to interesting people, observe the patterns
- Get back on the patch and lift your eyes – organise those coffee catch ups, be in the office on a Monday or Friday
- Spend your time where it really matters – particularly with family and friends
- Create opportunities or put your hand up when you come across something interesting
- Share your inspiration and ideas – just like here 😄
Pick one and do it today.
I promise you will feel instantly better and more excited about the possibilities and challenges ahead of you. You’ll see pathways forward and a ton of opportunities in the coming year.
PS. Contact me here, if you’d like help setting your business and teams up for growth in 2025.
PPS. Here are the links to the podcasts
The 4-Hour Workweek Revisited – How to Get Uncommon Results by Doing the Opposite, Tim Ferriss