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The most important thing you can do to propel growth

The most important thing you can do to propel growth

You might be shocked to learn it’s just 8 weeks until Easter.

Why does this matter?

Well, if your business is crawling, targets are huge, pipeline is anaemic and team is still dreaming of the beach…

You have an insanely short window of time to set your business, projects and team up for growth this year.

With this in mind, do you know what your roadmap to growth looks like this year?

If not, now’s the time to get cracking with a plan and kick off some networking actions and market visibility focused on finding opportunities in your market.

This involves talking to people, asking questions and gaining perspectives, getting the pulse of the market and creating opportunities.

Nothing like a deadline to focus the mind.

“Where focus goes, energy flows.”

Tony Robbins

And there’s no better path to growth than focusing your efforts on an outcome, getting out in your market and making it happen.

It doesn’t have to be complex and it doesn’t need a 50-page strategy – that can come later.

This is about taking action and generating quick wins.

I call it Tiny Networking Actions in my eBook because a few simple things can dramatically change the trajectory of your business in a short period of time. (download available here)

Now, if you’re feeling worried about all the things taking place around the world at the moment and what their potential impact might be…

I encourage you to focus squarely on what you can control.

Yes, market conditions are shifting, there’s global unrest, Trump and Biden are duking it out, the Red Sea is causing issues, interest rates, cost of living, the list goes on. This is all out of your control.

It’s time to orchestrate some breakthroughs you can control.

So, polish up your ‘have-a-go’ attitude and start talking to people who are relevant to your business and set yourself up for success.

Fill up your dance card with coffee meetings, industry and networking events, talk with customers and suppliers, share insights on LinkedIn, connect with interesting people and ask questions.

These activities have a compound effect that generates significant growth.

Here’s a look at my dance card for the next 8 weeks. It’s going to be a sprint!

  • Melbourne Mining Club lunches
  • Australian Institute of Company Directors lunch
  • Coffees and lunches with clients and people I find interesting or want to work with
  • New website and collateral
  • Newsletter articles
  • Social media posts
  • eBook – ongoing launch activities
  • Media interviews
  • And a whole lot of client work!

Why? Because deals are made on the back end of engagement,

and we’re growing.

One more thing ‒ and this is the best bit…

These activities cost almost nothing to implement and can – and should – be done by anyone in the business.

What does your roadmap to growth look like this year? Have you got a plan yet?

There’s tons of advice in my eBook – Thrive When Others Survive – Strategies for Growth in Uncertain Markets

Or drop me a line here.


PS: Were doing go-to-market strategies for many of our clients this month.

We figure out the best pathways to growth and opportunity for the coming year.

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