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When it all feels too much, take a tiny networking action

Take a tiny networking action - Harmonic Advisory

When it all feels too much, take a tiny networking action

This time of year often comes with a little bit (or a fair chunk) of overwhelm. All those things you need to finish, get set up for the New Year, meetings, events, people to get back to…

So if you’re starting to feel like it’s all a bit much, take a tiny networking action. It will help you navigate the volume of work, make quicker decisions and set you on a path with less friction.

Try this:

  1. Reach out on LinkedIn and connect with someone you’ve been meaning to catch up with
  2. Organise a coffee with a team member or someone you work with
  3. Pick up the phone and call a former colleague or client – say ‘Hi, I was thinking of you’
  4. Share an article that helped you think differently on LinkedIn or via email
  5. Use your WFH days to call or set up a coffee with a client, stakeholder, mentor, former colleague or someone you’d like to work with.
  6. Look over a current project or strategy and see if you can find where relationship building has been considered. Hint: it should be in every stage.
  7. Contact one person related to this project and arrange to have a coffee or chat with them.

I promise you will feel instantly better and more energised about the possibilities and challenges ahead of you, and you’ll be able to take action on the other things that are controlling your to-do-list.


PS. Contact me here, if you’d like help setting your business and teams up for growth in 2025.

PPS. My eBook has a bunch of strategies for engaging new markets. Download it here – Strategies for Growth in Uncertain Markets


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